Angélica Infante-Green Board Member | Council of Chief State School Officers
Eric Mackey, CCSSO Board President and Alabama Superintendent of Education, addressed the Council of Chief State School Officers' 2025 Legislative Conference, focusing on the progress states have made in student outcomes, particularly in math and literacy.
“All of us in this room are charged with solving the problems our schools and students face, from elevating outcomes in math and reading to making sure our schools have well-prepared teachers and leaders,” Mackey stated.
He emphasized CCSSO's contributions, referencing the 2024 release of "A Nation of Readers: A Snapshot of States’ Progress," illustrating the adoption of evidence-based reading instruction by all U.S. states and territories.
Mackey also spotlit the High-Quality Instructional Materials and Professional Development Network, which works to ensure that teachers have access to effective teaching resources. “We know, from research, that teachers need high-quality, curriculum-based professional learning to equip them with the support and knowledge needed to bring these materials to life in the classroom and meet the needs of all their students,” Mackey remarked.
Acknowledging the challenges of the teaching profession, he spoke on initiatives for professional development, recruitment, and retention of teachers. “That’s why it is essential that we encourage bright and dedicated people to join the teaching profession and give them the support they need to thrive in the classroom,” Mackey mentioned.
The address concluded with a commendation of state leaders' collaborative efforts. “Our nation's public education system remains strong because our state education systems are strong, and that’s a credit to you and the teams you lead," Mackey concluded.
The full remarks can be accessed online.
The CCSSO, a nonpartisan organization, supports educational leadership and advocacy, providing technical assistance on major issues and conveying member consensus to relevant entities.